
Showing posts from July, 2010

Opening Shots

For starters, to answer some questions.  Why this title?  As Sunday approaches each week sometimes eagerly anticipated, other times viewed with trepidation, depending on how responsive I am to the Spirit's leading on a sermon I find myself musing over the week's text.  I typically call this allowing the text and my own thoughts on it to "marinate" much as I will marinate a good piece of meat before putting it on the grill.  Sermons don't fall from the sky gift-wrapped for me, though I wish they did.  Instead they must marinate.  To use another cooking analogy, like good chili they must simmer a few hours. What about that website name?  What gives with "One Good Port?"  The short answer is that this was the heart of the title of my M.A. Thesis in history from my former life.  A Union Navy officer opined that if they could seize Beaufort Harbor, NC they would "have one good port."  He was prophetic in that the harbor did prove to be ...