Sacred Cows #5- "Judge Not!"
The most quoted Bible verse is probably still John 3:16 (at least according to BibleGateway) but some say that another one is gaining ground on that perennial favorite. The one that may be gaining ground is from Matthew's Sermon on the Mount- "Judge not, lest ye be judged." I'd like to offer a few remarks about how some misuse this verse today and also about how it should be interpreted. The problem with how this verse is commonly used today is that it is used as a blanket statement that one should never make value judgments. It becomes then another way of supporting one of the characteristics of post-modernism- that truth is relative, that there is no absolute truth. This injunction- "Judge Not" has been used as an excuse not to oppose everything from adultery to theft to pornography. In this way- one can see someone doing what is clearly unjust by traditional standards, but be absolved from any responsibility to act. Had Karl Barth,...