Go Where You Go and Do What You Do- #4
In my last post I levelled some pretty serious charges against what I perceive to be the way many churches function. If that entry was akin to a diagnosis of some of the ills that plague the church, then today will be a modest suggestion of how to make the church stronger and healthier. Evangelism- Too often evangelism is simply a recruitment method. One of the measures of a healthy church is that it regularly takes in new members by profession of faith instead of merely transfer of membership from another church. We need to focus on evangelism as inviting people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. This does not mean that we go door to door passing out tracts or asking people on the street if they've "been saved." It does mean that we always have an attentive heart to discern when people we encounter may indeed be searching. It means also being wise to discern when God's prevenient grace may already be d...