He Took Our Place
For many of you who read these ramblings the idea of atonement I critique today will be familiar. Love it or hate it, most Protestants have heard the language of substitutionary atonement more than any other. If you are among the more conservative Protestants, this is probably the language that comes to mind first when you think of atonement. In very condensed form substitutionary atonement works like this. Jesus is born of a virgin, and leads an absolutely sinless life. Because he is sinless and perfect Jesus alone is able to atone for human sin by taking the guilt/penalty for the sins of the world. In essence Jesus becomes a substitute for us. Both the virgin birth and sinless life are essential for this model of atonement because the atoning sacrifice must be perfect in order to bear sin for everyone else. Since he bore the penalty of sin, we don't bear it any more and we have peace with God. Typically, subs...