Organizing for Mission
A little over a year ago at a workshop for leadership in the mid-size church as we discussed committee work in the church it struck me how many committee/councils my own church had. Back in the room, I tried to list them all, and found it difficult to do because there were so many. When I finally completed my list there were eighteen different ones. At the next session we brainstormed about how to streamline the structure of the local church and we all began to see that without touching the committees whose function and role are defined in our Discipline that there is wide latitude in how to organize the local church. My own experience in two plus years with this marvelous church has also shown me that there must be a better way to get the essential work and ministries of the church accomplished. Too many people wore too many different hats. Too frequently, the same project or idea was bandied about by multiple committees, none really knowing who should b...