
Showing posts from July, 2013

"That's a Good Question"

The key to getting the right answer is asking the right question.  Though a truism for life, it is particularly true when one comes to understanding a passage of scripture.  Any wrestling with scripture needs to include asking some serious questions of the text.  Some of these may be matters that can be answered with a little research.  Some are matters of intent and motive that cannot be answered with certainty.  With these the  answer to the question is itself an interpretation. This week at my church I'll be tackling the fifth in a series of eight sermons on the ministries of Elijah and Elisha.  On the docket for the week is the first part of 1 Kings 19, which describes Elijah's flight from Israel down to Beersheba and thence into the desert and eventually to Mt. Horeb where he encountered the Almighty who speaks to him in "a still small voice."  As a small teaser for this week- I'd like to toss out a few questions that seem to scream for an ...