Know What You Believe
Over the past couple of months I've been musing here about evangelism, and I suspect that this post will pretty much wrap up this series unless the Spirit moves me otherwise. I started by asserting that too many people and churches live in nostalgia for some mythical past rather than thinking about the future. This past is always better than it actually was in reality. I then offered three basic assumptions that must be in place for evangelism to take place. Next, evangelism is personal I wrote. At heart it is one person interacting with another. It always comes best from relationship. Lastly, it is very important that we know our own story. If you have have faith, there is a story of how it came to be there. Think about your story, how you came to know Christ. What I suggest now is that just as it is important to know your own story, it is important to know what you believe. This does not require a seminary degree, or any s...