"Therefore let us keep the feast"
Today is Maundy Thursday in the Christian calendar, the day that Christians around the world remember the Last Supper that Jesus ate with his followers. In churches world over, whether they be grand cathedrals and basilicas, house churches in closed societies, or little white churches by the side of the road we'll gather tonight and celebrate the Lord's Supper, and in some cases follow Jesus' example by having a foot-washing. There is a curiosity about this day that can be easily missed, however. The Synoptic Gospels are clear that this last meal with the disciples is the Passover meal, what is sometimes called a Seder meal. This was the meal described in great detail in Exodus 12. The Passover lambs were sacrificed and their blood smeared on the doorposts of the Israelite homes so that when the "the destroyer" (Exodus 12:23) passed through the land of Egypt, they would be spared the awful last plague- the death of all first-born. These lambs were to be r...