The Gospel According to God

As the counterpoint to my last entry allow me to just remind you of what may be so obvious that we need to be reminded occasionally.  Beyond decorations, beyond trees, beyond cards, beyond presents (which better be bought by now!), beyond frosty and rudolf, there's something real about what happens.  Beyond the exasperation that many believers feel about TV hosts that can only say "happy holidays," and cities that have "holiday trees" instead of "Christmas trees," there is something very real, mysterious and powerful.

The Gospel of God is afoot this time of the year.  It lies beneath church pageants we all have- little boys as shepherds, freckle-faced 6 year old girls with tinsel wings as angels, and bearded men as the magi.  It is the most amazing event in all history.  It is the reality that here in this miraculous birth the eternal Word of God, became incarnate as flesh and blood.  Just as remarkable is that this incarnation was for the purpose of saving a whole lot of people who don't deserve it.  This little one was born to live as we all are, but he was also born to die for us, on our behalf, so that we may not bear our guilt.

This birth was not for people of power and prestige and responsibility.  It was not for those who "have it all together."  It was for the broken, those who know deep down that they aren't really worthy and ready to see the Son of God.  The halls of power in the world into which Jesus was born (according to the best guesses somewhere about 4-6 B.C.) were totally oblivious to it.  Augustus, Cyrenius, Herod, were not notified by the Almighty.  The privileged of society, the temple authorities of Jerusalem and the Pharisees with heads crammed full of Torah verses and not the slightest idea of the weightier matters of the Law, never knew it.  Instead, Yahweh himself dispatched the heavenly host to shepherds.  These were people who were poor, who by the nature of their trade were unclean and therefore ineligible to enter the temple.  These least likely of recipients were witnesses to a heavenly fireworks display and the good news of "Peace on earth and good will toward men." 

Yes my friends, being ready for Christmas is sort of irrelevant at this point.  If you're not ready for it by now, it's too late.  It's also irrelevant for another reason.  Being ready for Christmas isn't nearly as important as being ready for Christ.  Being ready for Christ is simply a matter of yearning, of recognizing that you really do need what he offers.  The only ones who miss him are those who are too proud to realize they need him.  This is the Gospel of God:  that by faith and repentace we can come to God through this Christ born so long ago.

Okay folks, go get those last minute presents wrapped.  In the words of someone else associated with this most holy of days, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"


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